TRANSROCKIES RUN Alumni, 2017 Registration is August 1, 9:00AM

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TransRockies Run Alumni, August 1, 9:00AM will be a very special moment. What? Yes! With the spectacular popularity of TransRockies Run, it is becoming more important to sign up for your favorite stage race early. If you are alumni, you are in luck! Registration will open for the 2017 best summer camp for adults ever on August 1, 9:00AM for alumni only. This is your chance to ensure you get a spot for next year. One of the most beautiful things about The TransRockies Run team is they love to give back to each of you who have been there before. One of many ways they do this is to give you first shot to register for the next year! If you are missing this year and want to ensure you are ready to go for 2017, or if you are lucky enough to go this year and want more, definitely sign up! It is expected to sell out in record time for 2017.




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